Saturday, September 5, 2009

Padmasana - Lotus Pose

Padmasana or the Lotus Position has acquired its name from Sanskrit word Padma means lotus because in this asana position of the legs look like blooming lotus. This is a cross-legged sitting posture that originated in representations and meditative practices of Hinduism. This asana has been given a great importance in the Yogashastra as it is best suited for Pranayam, Meditation & concentration. This excellent posture encourages proper breathing and foster physical stability.

Procedure For Doing Padamasana - Lotus Pose

  1. Sit on the floor or on a mat.
  2. Bend your left knee as if you were sitting in a regular cross legged position.
  3. Bring your lower right leg to your upper left leg.
  4. Leaning back slightly, lift your lower left leg over your right shin. Rest your lower left leg on your upper right leg. You may need to reposition your lower legs slightly with your hands.
  5. Hold for several breaths.
  6. Repeat on the other side.

Benefits Of Padamasana - Lotus Pose

  • Sitting in Padmasana will help to reduce excess fat in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
  • This posture strengthens the thighs and calves and provides elasticity to the hamstring muscles.
  • Padmasana develops the correct carriage of the body with perfect equilibrium since the spine has to be kept straight during the practise.
  • The important muscles, ligaments and tendons of the lower extremities are extended and flexed while sitting in Padmasana and relaxed when it is released.
  • This posture promotes a rich supply of blood to the organs in the pelvic and the abdomino-genital regions while the flow of blood to the lower extemities is limited.
  • Since more blood is made to circulate in the lumbar region of the spine and the abdomen, the spine and the abdominal organs are toned up.
  • It firms up the coccygeal and sacral regions of the spine and the sciatic nerve.
  • It also tones up the colon.
  • It limbers up stiff knees and ankles and improves the flexibility of the hip-joints. It relieves arthritic pain in these areas.
  • Minor spinal deformities are set right.
  • The erect spine prevents the compression of the abdominal viscera while sitting in this posture.

Caution With Padmasana - Lotus Pose

This is an advanced yoga posture and is not meant to be practiced without consulting a yoga instructor. If you are learning from home, practice the half lotus position. The lotus yoga position is not for those suffering from ankle or knee injuries.

Padmasana - Lotus Pose Video